Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Toronto landlords awarded $14,678 in rent arrears, tenants evicted.
Landlord wins rent reduction variance for Toronto retirement home property.
Landlord wins application to vary rent reduction percentage for Toronto multi-residential property.
Landlord wins rent reduction dispute, percentage reduced from 0.68% to 0.47%.
Landlord awarded $186 after tenant abandons Richmond Hill rental unit.
Mississauga landlords regain rental unit for personal use, tenants ordered to vacate by year-end.
Toronto landlords awarded $14,678 in rent arrears, tenants evicted.
Landlord wins rent reduction variance for Toronto retirement home property.
Landlord wins application to vary rent reduction percentage for Toronto multi-residential property.
Landlord wins rent reduction dispute, percentage reduced from 0.68% to 0.47%.
Landlord awarded $186 after tenant abandons Richmond Hill rental unit.
Mississauga landlords regain rental unit for personal use, tenants ordered to vacate by year-end.
Toronto landlords awarded $14,678 in rent arrears, tenants evicted.
Landlord wins rent reduction variance for Toronto retirement home property.
Landlord wins application to vary rent reduction percentage for Toronto multi-residential property.
Landlord wins rent reduction dispute, percentage reduced from 0.68% to 0.47%.
Landlord awarded $186 after tenant abandons Richmond Hill rental unit.
Mississauga landlords regain rental unit for personal use, tenants ordered to vacate by year-end.
Toronto landlords awarded $14,678 in rent arrears, tenants evicted.
Landlord wins rent reduction variance for Toronto retirement home property.
Landlord wins application to vary rent reduction percentage for Toronto multi-residential property.
Landlord wins rent reduction dispute, percentage reduced from 0.68% to 0.47%.
Landlord awarded $186 after tenant abandons Richmond Hill rental unit.
Mississauga landlords regain rental unit for personal use, tenants ordered to vacate by year-end.
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